CUrrent industry Projects

Development of Soy-Free Lecithin that is non-allergenic (application for patent submitted, inventor - CF)

Development of A1-Free Milk laboratory QC materials

Round Robin of bovine, camel and goat milk adulteration

Registration of imported pest and disease control agents permitted for organic agriculture in Australia

Speciation of minor constituents of seed oils to increase their commercial value

Development of HACCP plan for a dairy client


Completed Projects

  • Chocolate manufacturing, troubleshooting of Dutch Process

  • Consulting on GAP on application of volatile herbicides in SE Asia

  • Cottonseed oil refining, reduction of gossypol and pesticides

  • Infant Formula (IF) production; troubleshooting of colour, sanitation of plant

  • Development of market specific IFs

  • Manufacturing of antibiotics including proteins by fermentation

  • Industrial scale freeze-drying (lyophilisation) of pharmaceuticals and food proteins

  • Milk fortification with folate, NPD

  • Scaling up production of carotenoids. Patent held

  • Remediation by reprocessing of cooked prawns contaminated with ethoxyquin

  • Standardisation of official methodology of ECSA for fortified food testing